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Showing posts from August, 2015

All You Can Eat Lunch @ Beque Korean Grill (Kevin's Going Away Lunch)

$25.00 ish (tax+tip included) This is one of those places where you cook your own meal, which i'm not a big fan of, that is to say I normally don't go out for a meal where I have to cook my own meal.  If I'm going to have to cook I might as well go shopping and will typically make a better meal for cheaper, and much tastier!  However there are times I can be dragged along.  :D  Like a free lunch for a intern who is leaving to go back to school.   Anywho, Beque is your typical styled place, large table, cooker in the center, meat and veggies pilled around to grill on the center broiler, followed by a plethora of sauces, except this place only gives you two sauces, and they're not very impressive.  The sauces they give are salt/pepper/oil mixed, and another special dipping sauce for the pork bellies that seems like ginger, bean paste, seasonings, and a tad spicy, that is ok on hot que'd meat.  There wasn't even soy sauce to ad...

Kome Miso Cha-Shu Ramen @ Misoya Ramen

$22.00 (tax+tip+egg+spicy+soda) This ramen joint, like most is tucked away in a little block of buildings that have seen better days and are conglomeration of various services and businesses.  While the outside is rather bland, the interior is quite nicely decorated, while there is ample seating, at noon the place is packed (not sure about dinner), so plan accordingly. The ramen itself one of the better ramen I've had in the bay area, and while not as "spicy" as my favorite place in San Jose's Japan Town, Kumako Ramen  , their mix of flavors all meld well and add to the overall flavor profile.  Its really hard to say if this is better, as it seems while similar they are quite different.  There are a few things that make this ramen better in my opinion. The ramen I ordered was the Kome Miso Cha-Shu ramen which then I added a Miso Egg (+1.50), and Spicy Paste (+1.00) the red dollop in the middle of the pics, along with two potato wedg...