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Showing posts from November, 2011

Vegan Black Metal Chef Ep 5 : Smoothie Alchemy

The Vegan Black Metal Chef is back and this time brewing up some Smoothie Alchemy!  In this video you'll see him craft along with the dark arts not one or two different potions of Smoothie Goodness but FOUR!  Awesome! BONUS: Also check out the "seattle Vegan Panel Discussion - Part 2 & 3 which our Vegan Black Metal Chef tells the story of how he became vegan and a little of how VBMC came to be! Start the video at 4:08 If you want to skip right to VBMC speak. Start the video at 4:38  If you want to skip right to the VBMC speak. Don't forget to subscribe to his   youtube channel , visit his   website , where he's got the   audio up , and to call on the dark arts if your own recipe doesn't turn out! Hehe. Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!

Free Recipe- Chocolate Mascarpone Doon Drops

For thanksgiving at work I was tasked to bring a dessert.  After mulling over a few ideas I decided I wanted something simple, fast, and not too complicated but of course delicious!  I decided what better flavors than chocolate, vanilla, and some good ole shortbread! Here is the recipe for my Chocolate Mascarpone Doon Drops: Bittersweet Chocolate Chips (60% caco min plz) - 2 Bags of Chips 16 oz  Container of Mascarpone Cheese (or philly cream cheese) 1/2 to 1 Cup Powdered Sugar (less or more sweet) 1 t Vanilla extract 1 oz Spiced Rum (optional) 5 Lorna Doones Cookies (individual cookies, unless you're a piggy pig) Mold of some type - Ice cube trays, if you use a bit of cling wrap, make divots. smooth! The procedure is pretty easy. Place the chips into a glass or metal bowl over some simmering water to create a double boiler, mix until chips are completely smooth, a chocolate sauce if you will, and then set the burner to "low". Then take you...

My Drunk Kitchen Special : Burning Man!

Did you know that Hanna went to burning man  ?  Me neither!  Thank goodness she did a MDK SPECIAL from deep within the burning man encampment! Watch now and behold what is MDK at burning man!  (I'll let you experience this majick all on your own  without further commentary! ) Don't forget to subscribe to her  youtube channel ,   twitter feed , and check out her website ! Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!