The Vegan Black Metal Chef is back and this time brewing up some Smoothie Alchemy! In this video you'll see him craft along with the dark arts not one or two different potions of Smoothie Goodness but FOUR! Awesome! BONUS: Also check out the "seattle Vegan Panel Discussion - Part 2 & 3 which our Vegan Black Metal Chef tells the story of how he became vegan and a little of how VBMC came to be! Start the video at 4:08 If you want to skip right to VBMC speak. Start the video at 4:38 If you want to skip right to the VBMC speak. Don't forget to subscribe to his youtube channel , visit his website , where he's got the audio up , and to call on the dark arts if your own recipe doesn't turn out! Hehe. Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for stopping by!
A food blog, containing "how to" and "DIY" articles on use of kitchen gadgets, culinary knives, and basic to advanced cooking skills. Also included are local (to me) restaurant reviews and other foodie culture.